Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 1.... Exploring Tepic :)

Today was one of my 2 leisure days I will have during my stay in Tepic. It was good because I needed some sleep and took full advantage of not having anything planned in the morning. That being said once we were all up and ready the Hacketts took me to explore the city!

Armed with my camera, journal and 400 pesos......

We started with a drive through the city and surrounding areas. Once that was finished we parked the car @ Nayelli Hacketts parents home and walked into town. (A lovely walk in the sunshine) Oh it was amazing, all the bright colors and noises were intreaging. We must have walked past 20 small sidewalk stores and five small eateries before stopping at our first shop. It was an organic bakery! The smell outside the door was tantelizing and the colors inside were awesome. Yellow and red breads, made from corn and peppers, fresh ground coffee, wonderfully shaped doughnuts and it went on for days! I was in heaven. So I grabbed a piece of corn bread, a small cookie and a mini doughnut with coffee syrup on top! (all for $1.50)

Our next walk led us to "La Centro". Its an amazing little villa in the middle of the city. There was a fountain and two catholic churches a zip line running over top and a tall structure that stood higher than a telephone pole. (some monument I suppose, couldnt read the sign but I got a pic) It was all so surreal, I felt like I was on a movie set... like where was angelina jolie and when were the mexican cowboys doin the gun draw?! lol. literally took 140 pictures that afternoon on my stroll into Tepic, and I left changed.

Everyone seemed happy and time had no meaning, it was 1pm and hundreds of people were just sitting enjoying lfe. ohhhh im humbled and will most definatly be stopping to smell the roses more often!

When we got back to Nayellis parents home we were greeted with an amazing lunch. Her mother prepares food for the entire family daily! (and when I say entire I mean entire, cousins and uncles outside and the Hacketts go there with their son every day just to eat and spend time in fellowship. It was awesome) There were beans, three different salsas, fried fish, a roasted chicken and fresh made tortillas. Mix it all up and your in 7th heaven! Cant wait for lunch tomorrow..... oh I almost forgot she makes juice daily just for the family lunch, she crushes strawberries and mangos until its almost a messy paste then fills the pitcher with water and some sugar, it was to die for, sweet deliciousness!

We came home after lunch and had some down time. I journaled and uploaded 45 pics from my exploration onto my facebook.

At 4pm I went into town with Stephanie, she and her husband live with the Hacketts and help to run "the movement", thats the name given to their cause. Its all about community and expression. Serving others is the name of the game and these four people know just how to do it. Their schedule is grueling with no days off and people constantly in and out of the house. Feeding people is a huge way to connect with community and is in the forefront of the work that will be done while i am here, along with a concert and fiesta! im stoked. Anyways back to Stephanie and I goin into town.

We stopped @ office depot first so thta I could fax some papers into my school. Next we went to the store to look at possible ingrediants to use in the upsoming cooking classes I will be giving and the tourta tours for this week and next. It was fun trying to understand eachother, but we made it through and came back home and made a meal plan and list of things to buy tomorrow.

Andy, Nayelli, Dylan, Omar, Stephanie and I went out for tacos tonight. I had pastor tacos with pinnaple and a pollo quesadilla and it was fantastic. The table was littered with 6 different salsas and condiments to adorn your tacos with and boy did I have fun trying them all! yummy! ($5)

All in all my day was fun fun fun and tomorrow the work begins. What a fantastic start to my adventure in Tepic.

Now im off to bed... until tomorrow! Audios Amigos :)

what do i do u ask?

Just realized i never actually said what im doing here in Mexico for my school work.! my bad.

I will be coking!

Here is the daily schedule......

-Tour de Tepic
-Comer con la familia de Nayeli
-Checar la agenda de la semana
-Ensayo de :/:
-Hacer algo juntos en la noche (Hackett/Barragan/amigos)

-Comprar despensa para Clases de Cocina
-Clases de Cocina
*Que plato?
*Cuantas personas Cuantos grupos?
*6PM y 7:30PM
-Ensayo de :/: a las 2:00PM en el lugar
-Comer con los Barragan

-Comprar despensa para el Torta Tour con Stephanie
-:/: preparando para concierto
-Comer con los Hacketts
-Torta tour a las 12:30
*80-100 personas
-Noche libre
*Ir a una fiesta con amigos?
-Comer con los Barragan

-Ensayo de :/:
-Noche de “Freaks and Geeks” a las 6PM
*Botanas de Brittany

-Comprar despensa para Cena y Clases de Cocina
-Cena para Familia (sera determinado)
-Comer con los Hacketts

-Comida para los Hippies (???)
*Comida Vegetariana
-Clases de Cocina
*Que hora? Cuantos grupos?

-Comprar despensa para Cena y Clases de Cocina
-Cena para Familia (sera determinado)
-Comer con Barragan

-Clases de Cocina
*Que hora? Cuantos grupos?
-Cena/Comida para la mama de Edy (llevarlo a ella)
-Orar con ella
-Comer con los Hackett

-Noche de Conexion
*Botanas de Brittany
-Comer con los Barragan

-Comida para Familia
-Comprar despensa para Torta Tour
-Torta Tour a las 6PM

-Ensayo de :/:
-Noche de “Freaks and Geeks” a las 6PM
*Botanas de Brittany

-Comer con los Hacketts
-Despedida de Brittany

-Salida a Vallarta

haha its in Spanish! No worries, if u keep updated on my blog I promise to write about everything I do!
Day one...... (of blogging.... Ive been here since yesterday)

Hola me llamo Brittany :)

I'm a culinary student attending Le Cordon Bleu in Seattle. As part of my education i must complete 150 hours of internship work. I contacted Alternative missions and asked if there was any need for food service in another country. To my surprise everything fell into place and yesterday I arrived in Mexico.

Now i have never blogged, I can barely navigate face book or AOL, however Im going to give this trip my all and thought it would be fun to have the people I love back at home enjoy it with me. (whoo hoo thats you:) lol

I cant guarantee it will enlightening, emotional or educational. It will just be me simply stating the things I do, places i visit, food i eat and the work I am doing while here in Tepic. But hey if you know me at all, this should be entertaining! .... I'm just sayin.

(WARNING..... things could be considered questionable, random and unfiltered Proceed with caution!)

So sit back and enjoy the ride.... or trip i suppose! We are going to have a blast.
Thx for the support and I hope to hear from yall soon.
